Where we grew up, there is a funny term we use on Shabbos when someone arrives at Shul after the Shabbat service…
Just. For. Kiddush. Said with love, meaning that the person came just for the kiddush and/or the Farbrengen, a yiddish word for “spending time together”, which of course is a beautiful thing.
Farbrengens are held to celebrate or commemorate all kinds of events. People often host them in honor of their birthday (think of it as a spiritually inclined birthday party) or other lifecycle events that warrant celebration. Sometimes they are timed to coincide with Jewish holidays and sometimes they are held just because. No matter what though, we always have fun and we want you to experience this fun with us!
Here in Brandon, we realize that Saturday morning may not be the easiest or most convenient time to come to services, however, we wanted to let you know how much we would love to spend time with YOU at the Kiddush that takes place after services.
Come for an hour. Come for 15 minutes. Stop by just to say hi and leave. Its all good. We just want time with you. With our community. All are welcome anytime and for any timeframe.
There is never any judgement here, just acceptance. We know how challenging that is to believe in the world in which we now live, but we mean it with all our heart.
Now - I know that it can be uncomfortable to walk into a place (seemingly late) where there is already a function going on. I’m asking you to push through that and watch how quickly we greet you, pull up a plate, a drink and a chair faster than you can say L'Chaim!
Come as you are, you have our word, you will be warmly welcomed. Try us.
Plus, how cool is this little logo below?
So - who’s down for a little JFK?
-Rabbi Mendel & Tzippy Rubashkin
"What I love about the kiddush on Saturday is how much fun it is to learn new things from Torah and Judaism that I never knew , and that apply DIRECTLY to my life at this time.”
- Ilena B.
"Why do I like kiddush? Well, it makes me feel like I am part of a larger community of people who have gathered together to learn more about our wonderful creator and how he wants to be intimately involved in our lives. It is truly a joyous celebration! At times, I am blown away by Rabbis teachings. I love being part of the family”
- Deb G.
"I love the camaraderie, the teaching, the shared joy.....and I love watching the Rabbi trying to finish a thought with all of our interruptions and with many children playing."
- Steve B.
“It’s great to hear Rabbi put some of the Torah into practical terms. I am always inspired and have many priceless and life-changing “ah-ha” moments. I enjoy the company of everyone there and have made friendships and bonds that may not have happened elsewhere. It’s truly fun to get to know the Rabbi on a more personal level in such a fun environment. His willingness to always teach & inspire us, while accepting us all just as we are, is truly a blessing. Plus - it’s just fun.
- Jonathan B.